Looking for conexis cobra? Get direct access to conexis cobra through official links provided below.
Last updated at November 25th, 2020WageWorks, Inc., employer administration website. Employee & Participant Login : Terms of Use |: Privacy Policy |: CA Privacy Rights
Status : OnlineCOBRA is a federal law that requires employers with 20 or more employees to offer the continuation of the same group health care coverage after you’ve voluntarily or involuntarily left your job, or have had your work hours reduced. Conexis is simply an administrator of COBRA continuation. COBRA continuation is very expensive.
Status : OnlineEMPLOYER / PROGRAM SPONSOR SITE. Username. Password Password
Status : OnlineCONEXIS is a Word & Brown Company. Conta us for your CCt oBra administration solution. 877.onc EXis | WWW.conEXis.com transition assistancE CONEXIS is the only COBRA administrator offering a seamless program that provides qualified beneficiaries with important information about both their COBRA rights and alternatives to COBRA coverage.
Status : OnlineCOBRA enables you or enrolled family members to continue medical, dental and/ or vision coverage in the event of a qualifying event that causes a loss of coverage. WageWorks (formerly CONEXIS) is the COBRA administrator for UC's programs (877) 422-2767. Qualifying events. Examples of qualifying events include:
Status : OnlineConexis is a wonderful place to work. Helping Participants is a typical work day at Conexis. I've learned several things at Conexis about myself and the industry. There is good management and not so good management. I love my co-workers they are a pleasure to work with.
Status : OnlineI have been on COBRA since the end of May 2016 through my employer Airtron, Inc who is owned by Direct Energy. Centrica (UK Based Company) owns Direct Energy. They us a company called Conexis to administer COBRA payments. I have always paid my COBRA payments weeks in advance of the due date.
Status : OnlineMy experience with Conexis has been horrendous to say the least. I lost my job and was offered a Cobra election for $285.99 a month which I signed and created an account for a monthly withdrawal of $285.99 from my checking account. Two months later the monthly amount jumps to $906 a month, apparently, they made a mistake quoting me before.
Status : OnlineTroubleshoot
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