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Last updated at November 25th, 2020Fabiola Zamora, Homestead High School, Class of 2020. Fabiola will be attending the University of Hawaii, majoring in Biology “By seeking discomfort, you learn to embrace creative thinking, to keep an open mind, to learn about others and yourself, and ultimately, find comfort living outside the box.
Status : OnlineHomestead High School offers extensive academic and extracurricular experiences to ensure high levels of learning for all students. Homestead’s ability to offer such opportunities is supported in large part by the Homestead staff and community.
Status : OnlineThe HHS Food Pantry will supplement the District program through this crisis by providing meals and basic supplies to all family members (currently targeting 120 families). Please join the Homestead High School ASB and PTSA in support of our Food Pantry program. ... 有關 FUHSD 餐飲服務的資訊, ...
Status : OnlineThe HHS Library Staff will pick 3 books for you to try out. Web Resources. Instructions for off-campus access (FUHSD only) ... Students in the FUHSD system have a special student eAccount to access the Santa Clara County library system. Your eAccount number is S + your student ID + FUHSD. If your student ID is 5001234, your eAccount login would ...
Status : OnlineHot hhs.fuhsd.org Fabiola Zamora, Homestead High School , Class of 2020. Fabiola will be attending the University of Hawaii, majoring in Biology “By seeking discomfort, you learn to embrace creative thinking, to keep an open mind, to learn about others and yourself, and ultimately, find comfort living outside the box.
Status : OnlineNeel Bhargava, Fremont High School, Class of 2020. Neel will be attending Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, majoring in Mechanical Engineering "The Fremont community is unique in a beautiful way as we embrace our cultures and backgrounds; I feel fortunate to have been a part of such a diverse group of individuals.
Status : OnlineTroubleshoot
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