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Last updated at November 25th, 2020FSU employee and student personal information on this website is for official business use only. Any unlawful, unauthorized, improper, or negligent use and/or disclosure by anyone using this website of the FSU employee or student personal information on this website may result in that person being subject to disciplinary action, including dismissal, and/or criminal prosecution.
Status : OnlinemyFSU Portal serves as a personal gateway to the links, tools and resources you need to be successful at Florida State University. As a student, you have quick access to the student information system where you can manage everything from financial aid to academics. Meanwhile, faculty and staff members are provided with resources to help them with advising, teaching or administrative functions.
Status : OnlinemyFSU Portal serves as a personal gateway to the links, tools and resources you need to be successful at Florida State University. As a student, you have quick access to your courses and finances, where you can manage everything from financial aid to adding and dropping classes. Meanwhile, faculty and staff members are provided with snapshots of their timesheet, paycheck and benefits ...
Status : OnlinemyFSU Student Central is an integrated system for managing all of your academic, financial, and personal information. The system offers you all the functionality you need to effectively manage your student accounts, plus a lot of additional features we think you'll find helpful. To start exploring myFSU Student Central, log on to my.fsu.edu and click on the SC icon under myFSU Links.
Status : OnlinemyFSU Portal Take a look at the FAQs below or use the search feature at the top of the page to browse our knowledge base. If you need additional assistance, click an icon to request help from the appropriate university department.
Status : OnlineThe MyFSU student portal has information tailored to each of our Ferris Statewide locations. Click the Student tab and then the Statewide icon in the quick links bar to find information related to attending classes at an off-campus location. Also found in this section are descriptions and links to ...
Status : OnlinePROBLEM: The myFSU Portal is currently experiencing intermittent issues. Users may have trouble logging on or accessing components within the portal. ITS is currently investigating the issue to have service restored as soon as possible. Please note that resources linked via the myFSU portal such as Canvas, Salesforce and Qualtrics are still ...
Status : OnlineThrough the myFSU portal, you can access Student Central, your @myfsu e-mail, and Canvas. Student Central is used for course search/enrollment, financial information, academic planning, and more. Your @myFSU e-mail account is where FSU will communicate with you regularly, so check this often!
Status : OnlineTroubleshoot
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