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Last updated at November 25th, 2020COVID-19 update: PennKey Support is operating virtually and providing remote assistance. Please visit the University’s Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information and Resources website for the latest information about Penn’s measures related to COVID-19.
Status : OnlinePennKey Password Rules To protect your personal information and Penn resources, your PennKey password needs enough length, variety, and unpredictability to qualify as secure. The easiest option is a password where length alone makes it resistant to being compromised.
Status : OnlineChange password for PennKey : 1. Enter your PennKey and password: 2. Combine four or more unrelated words, or scroll to consult the password rules at right. 3. Enter new password: 0 characters ☐ lowercase ☐ caps ☐ numbers ...
Status : OnlinePassword Recovery Service. If you forget your PennKey password, you can reset it online if you have chosen to enroll in the PennKey Recovery Service. When you enroll you will provide answers to security questions, lf you forget your password you will be able to reset it by answering your security questions.
Status : OnlinePennKey Password Rules. Note: A PDF version of this document is available for printing. To protect your personal files and Penn resources, your PennKey password needs enough length, variety, and unpredictability to qualify as secure. The simplest option is a password whose length alone makes it resistant to being compromised.
Status : OnlineIf you forgot your PennKey password and are not enrolled in the PennKey Recovery Service, PennKey-ASAP can also be used to reset your password online. For assistance with all other alumni inquiries (transcripts, other needs), please email alumnipennkey@lists.upenn.edu .
Status : OnlineReset PennKey Password If you previously set up your security questions and enrolled in the PennKey Recovery Service, you may use this application to reset your PennKey password. If you are not yet enrolled in the PennKey Recovery Service, consult the PennKey website for other options.
Status : OnlineCOVID-19 update: PennKey Support is operating virtually and providing remote assistance. Please visit the University’s Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information and Resources website for the latest information about Penn’s measures related to COVID-19.
Status : OnlineCOVID-19 update: PennKey Support is operating virtually and providing remote assistance. Please visit the University’s Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information and Resources website for the latest information about Penn’s measures related to COVID-19.
Status : OnlineI know my PennKey and password. I need help with my PennKey or password. Students who graduated or separated prior to May 1988 need to send a written request for services to: The University of Pennsylvania University Registrar's Office Room 221 Franklin Building 3451 Walnut Street Philadelphia, PA. 19104-6291 . What is Penn InTouch?
Status : OnlineTroubleshoot
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