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Last updated at November 25th, 2020What is The Stock Market Game ™?. Teachers consistently tell us about the positive influence our programs have on their students. The educational impact of the SIFMA Foundation's Stock Market Game ™ is unmatched, with proven increases in student attendance, engagement and class participation, and improved academic performance and financial behavior.
Status : OnlineA program of the SIFMA Foundation. Register Log In Take the Tour. Toggle navigation
Status : OnlineRegister Now. Please note: only adults and educators are authorized to register here. If you are an elementary, middle, or high school student, please contact your teacher to register for SMG.
Status : OnlineThe total amount of money available for stock purchases and short sales when fully extended on margin Read More
Status : OnlineThe SMG Afterschool program is a version of The Stock Market Game program specially created for students in afterschool programs. It is an easy-to-use and effective way for afterschool providers to align their programs to their students' school curriculum.
Status : OnlineEnter a Stock Trade Back to trade. Blocked Symbols Newday Sustainable Stocks. Buy Sell Short Sell Short Cover
Status : OnlineContact Us. The SIFMA Foundation The Stock Market Game . 120 Broadway, 35th Floor New York, NY 10271-0080 212.313.1350 Privacy Policy. Links. Account Summary Analyzer ...
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Status : OnlineCOVID-19 XM Playbook. Download SMG's industry-specific XM Playbooks and use the interactive strategy maps to keep pace with rapidly evolving customer + employee expectations—tracking your progress across a 3-phased approach designed to help your organization emerge from the pandemic as a stronger brand.
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