Looking for summerworks payroll? Get direct access to summerworks payroll through official links provided below.
Last updated at November 25th, 2020Payroll Information for Sponsored employers . Thank you again for partnering with SummerWorks to provide meaningful work experiences to young people this summer! We're excited that many of you are able to participate this year. The official start date is June 22nd through August 7th (with some program exceptions).
Status : Onlinepayroll information for hired sponsored youth workers only Congratulations on being selected to work at one of our Sponsored SummerWorks employers this summer! These nonprofits and government agencies are super excited to have you on board.
Status : OnlineIf you have forgotten your login name or your password, please click on the register button and verify your information. The system will display your login name and ...
Status : OnlineTo learn more about SummerWorks payroll, watch the 5-minute video on the login page at www.SummerWorksPayroll.org. 2 Click on the tab that reads: Time Sheets You will see a list of weeks. • Find the week you worked and click the “Add” button. You will see a row of weekdays.
Status : Online5. Cooperate fully with the Worksite Supervisor and SummerWorks staff. 6. Work no more than the maximum allowable hours. 7. Accurately report hours worked on timecard and submit on-time per payroll schedule. 8. Follow work rules established by the Worksite Supervisor concerning attendance, on the job performanceand workplace attire. 9.
Status : Online"SummerWorks is a great place to find young, talented workers. It's also an opportunity to help guide them in the right direction." - Ann Thomas, President, Mark's Feed Store "These young adults challenge us to think differently every day. They come to work with a different approach, a new perspective, and it's very, very refreshing."
Status : OnlineTroubleshoot
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