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Status : OnlineSynergy Accessibility Tips Accessibility Mode. StudentVUE Account Access. Login. Tucson Unified School District. User Name: Password: Create Account or Forgot Password Contact your school if you do not have your account details. iPhone App; Android App; Mobile App URL https://parent ...
Status : OnlineTUSD's Student Information System - Synergy® Tucson Unified uses Synergy® as its Student Information System (SIS). This system provides principals, teachers, parents, and students with data at their fingertips.
Status : OnlineSynergy Accessibility Tips Accessibility Mode. ParentVUE Account Access. Login. Tucson Unified School District. User Name: Password: Forgot Password. Create Account or Forgot Password Activate Account; Forgot Password; iPhone App; Android App; Mobile App URL https://parent.tusd1.org; English ...
Status : OnlineTucson Unified School District to Implement Synergy Education Platform for All Grade Levels. Edupoint® Educational Systems’ Synergy® Student Information System (SIS) has been chosen by the Tucson Unified School District to replace it’s existing SIS and Special Education solutions in the district’s 90+ schools.
Status : OnlineYour Synergy User Name is your 10-digit Student ID number. Your Password is what you use to log on to TUSD computers and Microsoft Office 365. (Contact your school if you do not have your account details.) You can also access StudentVUE via the StudentVUE App for iOS and Android.
Status : OnlineLoading... Please Wait - Tucson Unified School District ... Please Wait...
Status : OnlinePlease select the school, teacher and password below to access the application.
Status : OnlineParentVUE and StudentVUE Access . I am a parent . I am a student
Status : OnlineSynergy is a software download that shares one mouse and one keyboard between multiple computers. Simply move your mouse between your computers effortlessly. You can even copy and paste between computers. Synergy works on Windows, macOS, Linux, and Raspberry Pi. You only need a regular Ethernet or WiFi network connection, and no special hardware.
Status : OnlineTroubleshoot
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