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Last updated at November 25th, 2020UGA Engineering MyLAB A computer lab that is always open and accessable from anywhere! Search. Main menu. Welcome; How To; Support; Welcome. The College of Engineering is pleased to offer MyLAB to our students. MyLAB is a virtual computer lab that provides remote access to university licensed applications on the computers in the engineering labs.
Status : OnlineThe University of Georgia's virtual computer lab, called vLab, allows anyone with a MyID to access lab software anywhere, anytime via a web browser on their devices. The vLab gives access to a computer lab environment with applications to use on work and personal devices, regardless if you are on or off campus.
Status : OnlineClick message indicating “Citrix Workspace has detected one or more devices connected to your computer. To connect your devices to your session click here” or click Preferences, File Access from the Citrix Workspace Desktop Toolbar.
Status : OnlineMake sure you already have Citrix Workspace installed BEFORE going through the below steps. Go to vlab.uga.edu and log in. Click their name, located on the top right corner of the page, and then click activate.
Status : OnlineAndroid Citrix Citrix Workspace for Android. How to Install Citrix Linux Workspace on Ubuntu. Linux Installation of the Receiver on a Linux based system is more complex, but possible. For more information see Workspace for Linux 13.0 and the related Install Workspace for Linux. For additional documentation from Citrix on each of these click here.
Status : OnlineArchPass, UGA's two-step login solution powered by Duo, is a more secure method to protect restricted data from theft and misuse. This extra layer of security minimizes the possibility of accessing restricted data by just using a shared, stolen or guessed password of an authorized user.
Status : OnlineTroubleshoot
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